The Road to Emmaus

Watch on YouTube

Luke 24:13 - 35

29th December - Chris Arnold

John The Baptist Addresses The Crowd

Watch on YouTube

John 3:7 - 18

15th December - Pauline Woolnough

John The Baptist Prepares The Way

Watch on YouTube

John 3:1 - 6

8th December - James Van Cleef

Christ The King Sunday

Watch on YouTube

John 18:33 - 37

24th November - Sue Oakley

OCC Shoebox Sunday

Watch on YouTube

Matthew 25:34 - 40

17th November - James Van Cleef

Donate a Shoebox here

Bible Sunday

No video available

2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5

27th October - Christine Williams

Jesus Sends Out The Seventy-Two

Watch on YouTube

Luke 10:1-9

20th October - Revd Gary Bott

The Rich Young Man

Watch on YouTube

Mark 10:17-31

13th October - Bishop Adam


Compassion UK

Watch on YouTube

Exodus 2:1-10

22nd September - Ully Lange Orobor

Compassion UK Website

Peter's Confession

Watch on YouTube

Mark 8:27-38

15th September - Christine Williams


Healing Service Sermon & Testimonies

Mark 7:24-end

8th September - Pauline Woolnough

That Which Defiles

Watch on YouTube

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

1st September - James Van Cleef


The Good Samaritan

Safeguarding Sunday

Watch on YouTube

Luke 10:25-37

14th July - Christine Williams


Link to Chelmsford's Safeguarding Portal

Living By Faith

Watch on YouTube

2 Corinthians 5:6-10 & 14-19

23rd June - Christine Williams


A Confident Faith

Watch on YouTube

2 Corinthians 4:13 - 5:1

9th June - Pauline Woolnough


Trinity Sunday

Watch on YouTube

John 7:1-23

26th May - Christine Williams


Pentecost Sunday

Watch on YouTube

Acts 2:1-21

19th May - Pauline Woolnough

Jesus Prays For His Disciples

Watch on YouTube

John 17:6-19

12th May - Andy Smith


The Vine And The Branches

Watch on YouTube

ADCM 2024

John 15:1-8

28th April - Christine Williams


Bishop Adam Bradwell

Easter Sunday Sermon

from Emmanuel 2024

Mountain Top Experiences 2: January - March

Have you ever looked at a situation in your life and said there is a mountain in your way? We can either climb a mountain or take the long way around it. How many times do you see a mountain as a problem in your lives? But that isn’t always the case in the Bible. Some of the ‘mountain top’ experiences of God’s people were times of blessing and challenge as well as times of affirmation and rebuke.  

Mountains are often mentioned in the Bible because they dotted the landscape where the stories in the Bible take place. Considered to be places ‘close to God’ mountains have great significance for Jewish and Christian cultures. The Bible mentions mountains 570 times and about one-third of the mountains listed in Scripture had at least one major event occur on them. This Home Group series, will look at some of the mountains in the Bible, examine the events which took place there and learn lessons from those experiences which can have a lasting impact on our lives today.

HG274: Watch on YouTube

Calvary: Mount Of Sacrifice

Matthew 27:45-53

17th March - Christine Williams


HG273: Watch on YouTube

Olives: Mount Of Prayer

Luke 22:39-45

3rd March - Pauline Randall


HG272: Watch on YouTube

Tabor: Mount Of Transfiguration

Matthew 17:1-13

25th February - Pauline Woolnough


HG271: Watch on YouTube

Quarantania: Mount Of Testing

Matthew 4:1-11

11th February - James Van Cleef


HG270: Watch on YouTube

Carmel: Mount Of Fire

1 Kings 18:20-46

28th January - Christine Williams


HG269: Watch on YouTube

Zion: Mount Of God

Psalm 48:1-14

14th January - James Van Cleef
