Fruit That is Never Out of Season (Part 1)

Following on from our series on Galatians, we begin a series examining, individually, the Fruit of the Holy Spirit which the Apostle Paul mentions in Galatians 5:22. Whilst we know a Spiritual Gift is given to whom God chooses, (it's interesting to note that love is not listed as a Spiritual Gift in 1 Corinthians 12 - 14) the Fruit of the Spirit, however, is for every one of us who are Christians - when the natural outpouring of the love of God in our hearts should be a natural outpouring of the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives - Fruit that is never out of season!

HG115 :

Kindness - Love’s Conduct

Matthew 5:43 - 48 & Ephesians 2:1 - 10

Paul Gambling - 22nd November


HG114 :

Patience - Love’s Endurance

James 5:7 - 12

Paul Carr - 1st November


HG113 :

Peace - Love’s Security

Romans 5:1 - 11

Pauline Woolnough - 25th October


HG112 :

Joy - Love’s Strength

John 15:9 - 17 & Philippians 4:4 - 7

Alison Hunter - 11th October


HG111 :

Love - God’s Greatest Gift

1 John 4:7 - 21

Paul Carr - 13th September


The Letter to The Galatians (Part 2)

Galatians is one of the oldest documents in the New Testament and it reminds us that, whilst the early church was full of life and bubbling with energy, excitement and danger, it had many questions and difficulties. Above all, however, they knew the presence and power of the living God, who entered the world through Jesus and was at work in a new way by His Spirit. In this letter, we see how, in the midst of a pagan culture, those early Christians could live lives pleasing to God as Paul develops themes which are rooted in his own mission and ministry, yet are also fundamentally important in effective Christian witness: authoritative revelation in Jesus, its release from the Law, its provision of justification by faith for sinners, its inclusion of Gentiles in God’s saving plan. The celebration of Pentecost wonderfully complements the final chapters of Galatians and what it means to live a Spirit-led life.

HG110 :

Living in The Spirit of Love

Galatians 6:1 - 18

Paul Carr - 26th July


HG109 :

The Fruit Of The Spirit

Galatians 5:22 - 26

Pauline Woolnough - 28th June


HG108 :

Living Life In The Spirit

Galatians 5:7 - 21

Paul Carr - 14th June


HG107 :

Freedom In Christ Through The Spirit

Galatians 4:28-5:6 & Acts 2:1 - 4 & 17 - 21

Paul Gambling - 24th May


HG106 :

Paul’s Concern For The Galatians

Galatians 4:12 - 20

Paul Carr - 10th May


HG105 :

The One True God And False Gods

Galatians 4:1 - 11

Pauline Woolnough - 26th April
