Monthly Sunday Schedule
Most sermons from our 10:30am services are available on YouTube and services are occasionally live-streamed.
1st Sunday (1st - 7th)
8.30am Holy Communion (Said)
10.30am All-Age Worship/Parade Service
2nd Sunday (8th - 14th)
8.30am Morning Prayer (Said)
10.30am Family Communion
with Children's Groups
3rd Sunday (15th - 21st)
8.30am Holy Communion (Said)
10.00am Messy Church in the Hall
10.30am Family Worship (guest Speaker)
4th Sunday (22nd- 28th)
8.30am Morning Prayer (Said)
10.30am Family Communion
with Children's Groups
5th Sunday* (29th - 31st)
10.00am Team Service
at Emmanuel or Christ Church
(*where applicable, see notices)
We reserve space for pushchairs and we have a Crèche and a baby changing room.
We also reserve space for wheelchair users and have ramp access into the church.