Walking In The Light

Set against a climate of disunity and doctrinal deviation, the apostle John, in his first letter, called his readers to walk in the light and truth of God. This study follows on from our last home group series on ‘The Apostles’ Creed’, when we were reminded of the importance of knowing the truths of what we believe.

We would do well to heed John’s call to hold both Word and Spirit together to avoid taking extreme positions on fundamental Christian beliefs which have created a climate for the controversies and divisions within the Anglican Communion in recent years. John’s letter is a vital and powerful word to the contemporary church to hold fast to what the Bible teaches. This timely study will enable us to avoid falling prey to the false ideologies of our day and help us to understand how we can best respond to the times in which we live and, more importantly, grow in our passion for the gospel and the glory of God.

HG175 :

True Confidence

1 John 5:1 - 21

Paul Carr - 25th November


HG174 :

True Love

1 John 4:1 - 21

Pauline Woolnough - 4th November


HG173 :

True Faith

1 John 2:28 - 3:24

James Van Cleef - 28th October


HG172 :

True Fellowship

1 John 2:18 - 27

Rachel Orford - 14th October


HG171 :

True Light

1 John 2:1 - 17

Pauline Woolnough - 23rd September


HG170 :

True Life

1 John 1:1 - 10

Paul Carr - 9th September


The Apostles Creed: I Believe In ...

For nearly two thousand years the Apostles Creed, written to refute heresies of the early church, has established itself as one of the most important confessions of Biblical orthodoxy produced by the church. The authority of the statements of belief embodied in the Apostles Creed are grounded in the Bible and include a broad overview of Christian doctrine. The Apostles Creed: summarises who we are; teaches us what is important; enables us to avoid error; and helps us to distinguish the God of the Bible from the gods of other religions.

The term ‘creed’ comes from the Latin word credo and means ‘I believe.’ Many churches recite the Apostles Creed every week yet, for many, it can be a dull statement, full of doubt and confusion, rather than one filled with confidence and joy and a declaration which summaries all that we believe to be true about the Christian faith. This ‘I Believe’ sermon series seeks to address the truths of the Apostles Creed and it’s life-changing significance for us in our daily lives.

HG169 :

The Resurrection/Life Everlasting

Ezekiel 37:1 - 14; Luke 24:36 - 49

Paul Carr - 22nd July


HG168 :

The Forgiveness Of Sins

Romans 5:12 - 21; Matthew 5:38 - 48

Rachel Orford - 8th July


HG167 : The Catholic Church/

The Communion Of Saints

Acts 4:32 - 37; Matthew 28:16 - 20

Hilary Porritt - 24th June


HG166 :

The Holy Spirit

Isaiah 61:1 - 3; Acts 3:1 - 10

10th June



HG165 :

Jesus Christ

Isaiah 43:1 - 7; John 1:11 - 14

James Van Cleef - 27th May


HG164 :

God, The Father Almighty

Genesis 1:1 - 5; John 4:7 - 13

Paul Carr - 13th May


Moses The Prince Of Egypt

Some people will know more about the story of Moses through Cecil B. Demille’s classic film ‘The Ten Commandments’ starring Charlton Heston, or the DreamWorks movie ‘The Prince Of Egypt’, than they do from the Bible. This study provides an opportunity to take a much closer look at one of the heroes of the Old Testament. We know Moses wasn’t perfect, but that didn’t prevent God from using him for His plans and purposes. As you study the life of Moses, may you: be encouraged as you see how God uses an imperfect, ordinary person to His glory; grow deeper in your own journey of faith and may you be willing to allow God to work in and through you to carry out His purposes for your life.

HG163 :

Annual Distict Church Meeting

Hebrews 13:1 - 16

Paul Carr - 22nd April


HG162 :

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:1 - 21

Rachel Orford - 8th April


HG161 :

The Golden Calf

Exodus 32:1 - 14

Hilary Porritt - 18th March


HG160 :

Parting Of The Red Sea

Exodus 14:1 - 31

Pauline Woolnough - 4th March


HG159 :

Release Of The Captives

Exodus 12:17 - 42

Paul Carr - 25th February


HG158 :

Let My People Go

Exodus 5:1 - 23 & 6:1 - 8

James Van Cleef - 11th February


HG157 :

The Burning Bush

Exodus 3:1 - 22

Pauline Woolnogh - 28th January


HG156 :

Drawn Out Of The Water

Exodus 2:1 - 10

Paul Carr - 14th January
