Home Group Sermon Series - 2014

The Letter to the Galatians (Part 1)

Galatians is recognised as one of the oldest documents in the New Testament and it reminds us how the early church was full of life, bubbling with energy, but with many questions and problems, excitement and danger but, above all, a sense of the presence and power of the living God, who has changed the world through Jesus and is now at work in a new way by His Spirit. This book teaches how, in the midst of a pagan culture, those early Christians could live lives pleasing to God. In this letter, Paul develops themes that are central to the Gospel: its authoritative revelation in Jesus, its release from the Law, its provision of justification by faith for sinners, its inclusion of Gentiles in God’s saving plan, and its outcome in the new Spirit-led life. These topics are rooted in Paul’s own mission and ministry, yet are also fundamentally important in effective Christian witness today.

HG104 :

Under The Law And In Christ

Galations 3:15 - 29

Hugh Dibbens - 23rd November


HG103 :

God’s Promise And Abraham’s Faith

Galations 3:1 - 14

Margaret Fowler - 2nd November


HG102 :

Paul Confronts Peter: Faith Not Law

Galations 2:11 - 21

Pauline Woolnough - 26th October


HG101 :

Only One Gospel

Galations 2:1 - 10

Paul Gambling - 12th October


HG100 :

The Origins Of Paul’s Gospel

Galations 1:11 - 24

Pauline Woolnogh - 28th September


HG099 :

Bad News About The Good News

Galations 1:1 - 10

Paul Carr - 14th September



Listening to Jesus on ...

The words of Jesus never cease to amaze us with the clarity of His teaching on such a wide variety of, often controversial, subjects. And so, for our summer Home Group series we listen to some of what Jesus had to say on topics which affect each one of us in our everyday lives. However, these are issues which will enable us to live distinctively different lives as His followers. Listening To Jesus On ... gives us a Christian value system and an ethical and moral standard which, whilst often at odds with those in the non-Christian world, show us a better way to live. This Christian counter-culture encourages each of us to ‘live out’ the Kingdom of God in our daily lives under God’s divine rule and guidance.

HG098 :

Listening To Jesus On ...  Service

Matthew 20:20 - 28

Paul Carr - 27th July


HG097 :

Listening To Jesus On ... First and Last

Matthew 20:1 - 16

Pauline Woolnogh - 13th July


HG096 :

Listening To Jesus On ... Riches

Matthew 19:16 - 30

Paul Gambling - 22nd June


HG095 :

Listening To Jesus On ... Holy Spirit

Mark 8 (Pentecost Sunday)

Pauline Woolnough - 30th May


HG094 :

Listening To Jesus On ... Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21 - 35

Pauline Woolnough - 25th May


HG093 :

Listening To Jesus On ... Conflict

Matthew 18:15 - 19

Pauline Woolnough - 11th May


The Book of Jonah

Many of us will be able to identify with Jonah’s rebellion against God and his reluctance to obey God’s plan for his life. However, this book tells us more about God than Jonah! We see God in His anger, in His tenderness. We see the God who hides himself and the God who shows his face. The God who controls nature and the God who answers prayer. We also see God going to great pains to accomplish his purposes. You could say the whole of the Bible can be found in these four chapters.

HG092 :

Annual District Church Meeting

Ephesians 1:15 - 23

Paul Carr - 6th April



HG091 :

Jonah’s Anger At God’s Compassion

Jonah 4:1 - 11

Paul Carr - 23rd March


HG090 :

Jonah Goes To Nineveh

Jonah 3:1 - 10

Tom Loh - 9th March


HG089 :

Jonah’s Prayer

Jonah 2:1 - 10

Pauline Woolnough - 23rd February



HG088 : The Archdeacon of Southend

Mission - Being Salt & Light

Acts 3:1 - 10 & Matt 5:13 - 20

Ven Mina Smallman - 9th February


HG087 :

Jonah Runs From God

Jonah 1:1 - 17

Paul Carr - 26th January
