Amazing Grace September - November

John Newton’s well loved hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ celebrates its 250th anniversary this year. It’s a hymn which has shaped the faith of many Christians during it’s lifetime and one that will continue to bless us for many years to come. During this, what we believe, will be an encouraging and uplifting Home Group series, we will ‘dig deep’ into each verse that Newton wrote (Newton’s sixth verse is different to the ‘popular’ version).

John Newton, was a coarse, cruel, slave trader, who was the captain of a ship involved in the infamous African slave trade in the 19th Century. Newton, like many seamen at that time, worked hard, drank hard and had a woman in every port! On one of these voyages, Newton carried a Christian passenger who took the time to share his faith with him. As a result of this, Newton began to study the Bible and to pray. One day, Newton came to the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’ (Luke 15:11-32) and, after reading it, repented of the terrible things he had done and committed his life to the service of God. Newton never lost sight of the depths from which he had been lifted. When he wrote the line: “... that saved a wretch like me ...” he really meant what he wrote.

HG268: Watch on YouTube

The Earth Shall Soon Dissolve Like Snow

Matthew 24:29-35, Philippians 1:3-6

Christine Williams - 10th December


HG267: Watch on YouTube

Yes, When This Heart and Flesh Shall Fail

Psalm 73:23-28

James Van Cleef - 5th November


HG266: Watch on YouTube

The Lord Has Promised Good to Me

Hebrews 10:23-39

Revd Hugh Dibbens - 22nd October


HG265: Watch on YouTube

Through Many Dangers, Toils And Snares

2 Corinthians 11:16-28

Pauline Woolnough - 8th October


HG264: Watch on YouTube

'Twas Grace That Taught My Heart To Fear

Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul Carr - 24th September



Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound

Ephesians 1:1-14

James Van-Cleef - 10th September


Sharing Our Faith The Jesus Way May - July

The clarity of Jesus’ teaching never ceases to amaze us. When Jesus spoke, people listened and their lives were never the same again. This summer Home Group series looks at what we can learn from Jesus in the way he engaged with those who were seeking answers to the questions of life. This series is, intentionally, based on some well known passages from the Gospels which should help us to ’dig’ a little deeper in our discus- sions as well as the application of sharing our faith with others. As we follow this series, be sure to pray for opportunities to come your way. As we will see, some of these opportunities can come in the most unlikely of places.

Each of us have much to learn about how to share our faith with others. The series ‘BLESS’ gave us some helpful strategies that we can put in place - do make an effort to put BLESS into practise when and where you can. 2023 is the year of BLESS as shown in our text for this year from Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

HG262: Watch on YouTube

BBQ On The Beach

John 21:1-19

Pauline Randall - 23rd July



The Lost Son

Luke 15:11-132

Pauline Woolnough - 9th July



The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

Rachel Orford - 25th June


HG259: Watch on YouTube

Up On The Roof

Luke 5:17-26

Paul Carr - 11th June


HG258: Watch on YouTube

The Woman At The Well

Pentecost Sunday

John 4:1-26

Christine Williams - 28th May


HG257: Watch on YouTube

Calling Of The First Disciples

Matthew 4:18-5:16

James Van-Cleef - 14th May


Mountain Top Experiences January - April

Have you ever looked at a situation in your life and said there is a mountain in your way? We can either climb a mountain or take the long way around it. How many times do you see a mountain as a problem in your lives? But that isn’t always the case in the Bible. Some of the ‘mountain top’ experiences of God’s people were times of blessing and challenge as well as times of affirmation and rebuke.  

Mountains are often mentioned in the Bible because they dotted the landscape where the stories in the Bible take place. Considered to be places ‘close to God’ mountains have great significance for Jewish and Christian cultures. The Bible mentions mountains 570 times and about one-third of the mountains listed in Scripture had at least one major event occur on them. This Home Group series, will look at some of the mountains in the Bible, examine the events which took place there and learn lessons from those experiences which can have a lasting impact on our lives today.

HG256: Watch on YouTube

Swimming Against The Tide (ADCM)

Acts 17:16-34

Paul Carr - 23rd April


HG255: Watch on YouTube

Hebron: Mount Of Inheritance

Joshua 14:1-12

Christine Williams - 26th March


HG254: Watch on YouTube

Nebo: Mount Of Hope

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Pauline Randall - 12th March


HG253: Watch on YouTube

Gerizim: Mount Of Blessing

Deuteronomy 11:26-29

Rachel Orford - 26th February


HG252: Watch on YouTube

Sinai: Mount Of Covenant

Exodus 24:1-18

Pauline Woolnough - 12th February


HG251: Watch on YouTube

Moriah: Mount Of Provision

Genesis 22:1-19

James Van Cleef - 22nd January


HG250: Watch on YouTube

Ararat: Mount Of Promise

Genesis 8:1-4, 20-22, 9:1-17

Paul Carr - 8th January
