Apostle James's Letter to the Early Christian Church

James’s letter is a handbook for practical Christian living:

It touches on issues of Christian concern in a world of human need; and the implications of careless and evil words; it shows us how a genuine faith is a tested faith; and how encountering difficulties is an essential part of growth in Christian maturity.

This series of studies, supplementing our preaching on a Sunday morning, will give plenty of ‘food for thought’ as we continue to discern God’s future vision for us here at Emmanuel. As we wrestle with God’s word it will challenge us and strengthen our faith as we allow His Spirit to shape our lives.

HG023 :

Patience in Suffering

James 5:7 - 20

Paul Carr - 22nd November


HG022 :

Submission To God

James 4:1 - 5:6

Paul Carr - 1st November


HG021 :

Taming the Tongue

James 3:1 - 18

Pauline Woolnough - 25th October


HG020 :

Favouritism Forbidden

James 2:1 - 13

Paul Carr - 11th October


HG019 :

Listening and Doing

James 1:19 - 27

Warner Pidgeon - 19th September


HG018 :

Trials And Temptations

James 1:1 - 18

Pauline Woolnough - 12th September



The Parables of Jesus

One third of all Jesus’ teaching was done in parables and so there’s much we can learn from them. Parables are stories intended to convey spiritual truths. They’re not historical or accounts of actual events; they are fictional stories involving made-up characters. The situations they describe never really happened, and the people involved aren’t real people. That’s why the characters in parables aren’t named; they’re just identified by their occupations: a farmer; a merchant; a shepherd; a priest. But these people could be real, and that’s the point. The characters in parables are instantly recognizable by everyone, regardless of time or culture, that’s why these deceptively simple stories are so full of wisdom and so strikingly memorable and so true to life.

HG017 :

Rich Man And Lazarus

Luke 16:19 - 31

Paul Carr - 26th July


HG016 :

The Prodigal Son

Luke 15:11 - 31

Paul Carr - 12th July


HG015 :

The Sower

Mark 4:1 - 20

Pauline Woolnough - 14th June


HG014 :

The Great Banquet

Luke 14:15 - 24

David Costelloe - 24th May


HG013 :

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25 - 37

Paul Carr - 10th May


Old Testament book of Daniel

Parts of the book of Daniel have always been popular - the exciting stories of three men in a fiery furnace, Daniel in the den of lions and the strange handwriting on the wall which struck terror in the heart of the Babylonian king. It is a book which  describes how God seems to have allowed the unthinkable to happen. His people were in exile in Babylon. His promises seemed shattered. Was He  really in control? Was He still faithful? Did He still care? However, it is a book which both shows us, and reminds us, how God is in control of human events - a reassuring thought with which to begin a new year! It is also a book which challenges us as to how much we are prepared to stand up for the things of God in our daily lives.

HG012 : Commitment Sunday

The Parable Of The Talents

Matthew 25:12 - 14

Robin Stevens - 15th March


HG011 :

Daniel's Prayer Of Intercession

Daniel 9:1 - 19

Pauline Woolnough - 8th March


HG010 :

Mouths Shut And Eyes Opened

Daniel 6:1 - 28

Paul Carr - 22nd February


HG009 :

The Writing's On The Wall

Daniel 5:1 - 31

Paul Carr - 8th February


HG008 :

It's Getting Hot In Here

Daniel 3:1 - 30

Paul Carr - 25th January


HG007 :

Dare To Be A Daniel?

Daniel 1:1 - 21

Pauline Woolnough - 11th January
