Living in Christ. The Book of Colossians

This is a timely study in the life of Emmanuel as we seek to respond to the Transforming Presence initiative, recognising that our fulfilment is found in Jesus Christ alone for, as the Apostle Paul writes in 1:27: ‘...Christ (is) in you, the hope of glory.’ And, it is because of the centrality of Christ that Paul wrote about how fullness and freedom, joy and fulfilment can be found, through Christ, in our Christian lives which enables us to live distinctly different lives wherever God has called us to serve him (school; college; work; rest; play and at home).

HG079 :

Christ in Community

Colossians 4:2 - 18

Paul Carr - 25th November


HG078 :

Christ in Your Relationships

Colossians 3:12 - 4:1

Tom Loh - 4th November


HG077 :

Christ in Your Living

Colossians 3:1 - 11

Andy Smith - 28th October


HG076 :

Christ Revealed in You

Colossians 1:24 - 2:23

Paul Carr - 14th October


HG075 :

Christ Exalted

Colossians 1:15 - 23

Tom Loh - 23rd September


HG074 :

Our Identity in Christ

Colossians 1:1 - 14

Paul Carr - 9th September


Transforming Presence

Bishop  Stephen’s vision for the Diocese:  ‘Transforming Presence’. Bishop  Stephen’s paper sets out four key themes:

Inhabiting the World Distinctively:

If our lives are no different from those around us, what does this say about our faith and our priorities?

Evangelising Effectively:

God expects us to “make disciples of all nations”€ and that includes you and me talking to our family, friends and neighbours about God’s great  love for the world shown in Jesus Christ.

Serving with Accountability:

Can we agree a set of ministries that we should expect to find being  carried out in every Christian community across our diocese and then  help each other to achieve them - being accountable to one another?

Re-imagining Ministry:

47% of our clergy in the diocese will retire in the next 10 years. We  will need to look at new ways in which every person who is able, whether ordained or lay, has a ministry and participates in the life of the  church.

During this series we shall look at some of the  significant covenant promises of God to His people in the Old Testament  and we’ll see how these themes continue to resonate with us today. This  series of studies, supplementing our preaching on a Sunday morning, will give plenty of ‘food for thought’ as we continue to discern God’s  future vision for us here at Emmanuel.

HG073 :

Transforming Faith

Isaiah 50:1 - 11

Andy Smith - 22nd July


HG072 :

Transforming Hope

Jeremiah 31:31 - 34

Andy Smith - 8th July


HG071 :

Transforming Gift

Numbers 21:4 - 9

Pauline Woolnough - 10th June


HG070 :

Transforming Rule

Exodus 20:1 - 17

Paul Carr - 27th May



HG069 :

Transforming Call

Genesis 17:1 - 7; 15 - 16

Tom Loh - 13th May


HG068 :

Transforming Promise

Genesis 9:8 - 15

Shirley Jeffery - 22nd April


The Book of Joshua

Joshua is a book of new beginnings for the people of God: with a new leader (as Joshua replaces  Moses) and a new land. We see how, after many years of slavery in Egypt  and 40 years wandering in the desert, the Israelites were finally allowed to enter the land promised to their fathers. During this time of transition, we see examples of Joshua’s godly leadership; alongside some wonderful victories for God’s people. However, despite the euphoria of promises fulfilled, things began to go wrong. Why is that? What can we learn from their mistakes? What might God be saying to us as we seek to inhabit the promises that God has given to us?

HG067 : ADCM Building Walls

Restoring Lives

Nehemiah 3:1 - 32

Paul Carr - 25th March


HG066 :

Achan: When Things Start to Go Wrong

Joshua 7:1 - 26

Paul Carr - 11th March


HG065 :

Jericho: The Walls Come Tumbling Down

Joshua 6:1 - 27

Pauline Woolnough - 26th February


HG064 :

Jordan: Crossing Over The River

Joshua 3:1 - 17

Tom Loh - 12th February


HG063 :

Rahab: Protecting The Two Spies

Joshua 2:1 - 24

Andy Smith - 22nd January


HG062 :

Joshua: New Beginnings

Joshua 1:1 - 9

Paul Carr - 8th January
