St. John The Divine, Outwood Common, Billericay
Mid-Week Breakers (over 60s Club)
Midweek Break started in January 2003 as an outreach for the over 60s in the Outwood Common area. Since that time this has grown to include people from all over Billericay and even further afield!
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in each month, except in August.
Our aim is to have interesting and informative talks, occasional quizzes, social events and outings, but most of all, to build friendships and enjoy fellowship with one another.
Everyone is made to feel very welcome as we seek to show the love of our Lord Jesus Christ in our community and surrounding areas.
We always welcome new people and if you call Pat Pack on 07971 788101 or email I would love to tell you more about our very special group.